Marijić App 4+2 no.1

Marijić App 4+2 no.1

Two bedroom apartment 30m from the beach

Kategorizacija Kategorizacija Kategorizacija

Primošten, Chorvatsko

House Lucija (Marijić) is located in a quiet part of Primosten, second row from the beach, only 30m away and 400 meters from the center. The house has a paved yard with covered parking spaces and an outdoor shower. The apartments are located on the second floor of the house. They are equipped with air conditioning, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, water heater, TV, 2 x private bathroom and towels and sheets. Quite enough accommodation for 4-6 people with everything you need for a wonderful vacation.

Vybavení apartmánu:
  • Velikost: 85 m2
  • Max. hosté: 6
  • Ložnice: 2
  • Postele: 2
  • Koupelny: 2
  • Obývací pokoje: 1


  • No smoking

Chlazení & Topení

  • Air-conditioning


  • Wifi / internet
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